


短语动词有一个动词和一个小品词(一个副词或一个介词)构成,如 come across 和 go out;或有一个动词和两个小品词(一个副词和一个介词)构成,如 look forward to 和 go in for。 如何使用短语动词? 短语动词的一个特性就是它们会有很多不同的意思。因此在使用一个短语动词时,要关注它的搭配,通过记忆短语动词的搭配,进而理解它们表达的是字面含义或比喻引申义。 表达理解的短语动词
As a maths teacher I find it interesting to see how children cope with my subject. Some pick up every new topic very quickly while others take rather longer to catch on. Some have to grapple with the topic for a long time but eventually understand it very well. Some find it goes in better if I break a topic down into small bite-sized chunks.Then they gradually piece it all together for themselves. Although some find it harder than others to keep up with what I tell them, everyone usually cottons on in the end. 上文中加粗的短语动词,都是表达理解的意思,但是又有细微的区别: pick up learn something by watching or listening to other people catch on (informal) understand grapple with try hard to deal with go in (informal) understand little by little keep up be able to under stand something that is happening or changing fast cottons on (informal) begins to understand 一个意思也可以通过多种短语动词的搭配来表达。根据语境选择恰当的短语动词,不仅可以使表达更加准确、丰富,同时也使文章更加形象、生动!
当你理解一个事情或问题的时候,也许你会产生一些想法并和别人一起讨论你的想法。那么如何通过短语动词来表达呢? 产生想法 occur to sb. come into your mind eg. It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't finished my homework. 我突然想到,我还没完成作业。 hit on (an idea)
have a good idea (especially one that solves a problem) eg. We weren't sure how to celebrate your birthday until Jack hit on the idea of holding a big party. 我们一直不确定如何庆祝你的生日,直到杰克来提出举办一个大型生日会。 rough out
write or draw somethin without including all the details eg. A diagram the engineer had roughed out on his notepad. 工程师在笔记本上画的一幅草图。 play with (an idea)
consider an idea or possibility, but not always seriously eg. I played with the idea of going abroad right now. 我想现在立刻出国。 leap out at
be immediately obvious eg. I couldn't sovle the question last night but this morning the answer leapt out at me. 昨晚我还不知道怎么解决这个问题,今天一早答案就跃入眼帘。 讨论想法
talk through discuss something thoroughly so that you are sure you understand it eg. Allow time to talk through any areas of difficulty. 慢慢来,把困难的地方都讨论清楚。 come at
(informal) consider or deal with a problem in a particular way eg.We need to come at this problem from a different angle. 我们需要换个角度来处理这个问题。 thrash out
discuss something thoroughly with someone until you find an answer, reach an agreement, or decide on something eg. We still have to get together and thrash out details. 我们还得一起商定细节。 bounce ideas off sb.
talk about your ideas with someone in order to get their opinions eg. When you work in a team you can bounce your ideas off each other. 如果你们在一个小组里工作,相互之间可以探讨意见。 bat sth. around
discuss vatious ideas or solutions eg. We find that batting our ideas around is really productive. 我们发现一起讨论我们的想法富有成效。 今天的分享你们还喜欢嘛?



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